
type Pool struct {
   noCopy noCopy

   local     unsafe.Pointer // local fixed-size per-P pool, actual type is [P]poolLocal
   localSize uintptr        // size of the local array

   victim     unsafe.Pointer // local from previous cycle
   victimSize uintptr        // size of victims array

   // New optionally specifies a function to generate
   // a value when Get would otherwise return nil.
   // It may not be changed concurrently with calls to Get.
   New func() interface{}



func (p *Pool) Put(x interface{}) {
   if x == nil {
   if race.Enabled {
      if fastrand()%4 == 0 {
         // Randomly drop x on floor.
   l, _ :=
   if l.private == nil {
      l.private = x
      x = nil
   if x != nil {
   if race.Enabled {


// pin pins the current goroutine to P, disables preemption and
// returns poolLocal pool for the P and the P's id.
// Caller must call runtime_procUnpin() when done with the pool.
func (p *Pool) pin() (*poolLocal, int) {
   pid := runtime_procPin()
   // In pinSlow we store to local and then to localSize, here we load in opposite order.
   // Since we've disabled preemption, GC cannot happen in between.
   // Thus here we must observe local at least as large localSize.
   // We can observe a newer/larger local, it is fine (we must observe its zero-initialized-ness).
   s := runtime_LoadAcquintptr(&p.localSize) // load-acquire
   l := p.local                              // load-consume
   if uintptr(pid) < s {
      return indexLocal(l, pid), pid
   return p.pinSlow()

先看到pid := runtime_procPin()这个从名字就可以看出,得到一个?进程ID,当前Go语言语境下应该是GMP中的P ID并且防止抢占当的P,然后是s := runtime_LoadAcquintptr(&p.localSize),看字面意思可知,这里得到是就是local数组的size,l := p.local 这里是一个指针,在这个API中,会常常见到指针操作。


if uintptr(pid) < s {
   return indexLocal(l, pid), pid


func indexLocal(l unsafe.Pointer, i int) *poolLocal {
   lp := unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(l) + uintptr(i)*unsafe.Sizeof(poolLocal{}))
   return (*poolLocal)(lp)


// Local per-P Pool appendix.
type poolLocalInternal struct {
   private interface{} // Can be used only by the respective P.
   shared  poolChain   // Local P can pushHead/popHead; any P can popTail.

type poolLocal struct {

   // Prevents false sharing on widespread platforms with
   // 128 mod (cache line size) = 0 .
   pad [128 - unsafe.Sizeof(poolLocalInternal{})%128]byte

pad是什么?注释里说了,防止false sharing,就是防止多个对象公用Cacheline,所以搞个pad把人家从缓存里顶出去,独占Cacheline,缺点就是会浪费Cache,因为pad本身没啥意义。

return p.pinSlow()看到下面这个返回值里的方法

func (p *Pool) pinSlow() (*poolLocal, int) {
   // Retry under the mutex.
   // Can not lock the mutex while pinned.
   defer allPoolsMu.Unlock()
   pid := runtime_procPin()
   // poolCleanup won't be called while we are pinned.
   s := p.localSize
   l := p.local
   if uintptr(pid) < s {
      return indexLocal(l, pid), pid
   if p.local == nil {
      allPools = append(allPools, p)
   // If GOMAXPROCS changes between GCs, we re-allocate the array and lose the old one.
   size := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
   local := make([]poolLocal, size)
   atomic.StorePointer(&p.local, unsafe.Pointer(&local[0])) // store-release
   runtime_StoreReluintptr(&p.localSize, uintptr(size))     // store-release
   return &local[pid], pid

上面的pid := runtime_procPin()与这里runtime_procUnpin()显然是一对的!上面注释也说了

// pin pins the current goroutine to P, disables preemption and // returns poolLocal pool for the P and the P’s id. // Caller must call runtime_procUnpin() when done with the pool.


defer allPoolsMu.Unlock()
pid := runtime_procPin()
// poolCleanup won't be called while we are pinned.

因为注释里讲pinned了就无法上锁了,所以这里先上锁,再pin,也是为了获得一个新的pid,并且防止poolcleanup(),我个人理解这里上锁的目的是因为 allPools = append(allPools, p),slice不是并发安全的

if uintptr(pid) < s {
   return indexLocal(l, pid), pid


if p.local == nil {
   allPools = append(allPools, p)


// If GOMAXPROCS changes between GCs, we re-allocate the array and lose the old one.
size := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(0)
local := make([]poolLocal, size)
atomic.StorePointer(&p.local, unsafe.Pointer(&local[0])) // store-release 就是拿首地址像C语言一样
runtime_StoreReluintptr(&p.localSize, uintptr(size))     // store-release
return &local[pid], pid



if l.private == nil {
   l.private = x
   x = nil


但是如果这个poolLocal不是新建的,那么就会走下面这个流程,因为x=nil并不会发生,所以x != nil会成立

if x != nil {
func (c *poolChain) pushHead(val interface{}) {
   d := c.head
   if d == nil {
      // Initialize the chain.
      const initSize = 8 // Must be a power of 2
      d = new(poolChainElt)
      d.vals = make([]eface, initSize)
      c.head = d
      storePoolChainElt(&c.tail, d)

   if d.pushHead(val) {

   // The current dequeue is full. Allocate a new one of twice
   // the size.
   newSize := len(d.vals) * 2
   if newSize >= dequeueLimit {
      // Can't make it any bigger.
      newSize = dequeueLimit

   d2 := &poolChainElt{prev: d}
   d2.vals = make([]eface, newSize)
   c.head = d2
   storePoolChainElt(&, d2)


type poolChain struct {
   // head is the poolDequeue to push to. This is only accessed
   // by the producer, so doesn't need to be synchronized.
   head *poolChainElt

   // tail is the poolDequeue to popTail from. This is accessed
   // by consumers, so reads and writes must be atomic.
   tail *poolChainElt

type poolChainElt struct {

   // next and prev link to the adjacent poolChainElts in this
   // poolChain.
   // next is written atomically by the producer and read
   // atomically by the consumer. It only transitions from nil to
   // non-nil.
   // prev is written atomically by the consumer and read
   // atomically by the producer. It only transitions from
   // non-nil to nil.
   next, prev *poolChainElt


d := c.head
if d == nil {
   // Initialize the chain.
   const initSize = 8 // Must be a power of 2
   d = new(poolChainElt)
   d.vals = make([]eface, initSize)
   c.head = d
   storePoolChainElt(&c.tail, d)
if d.pushHead(val) {


// pushHead adds val at the head of the queue. It returns false if the
// queue is full. It must only be called by a single producer.
func (d *poolDequeue) pushHead(val interface{}) bool {
   ptrs := atomic.LoadUint64(&d.headTail)
   head, tail := d.unpack(ptrs)
   if (tail+uint32(len(d.vals)))&(1<<dequeueBits-1) == head {
      // Queue is full.
      return false
   slot := &d.vals[head&uint32(len(d.vals)-1)]

   // Check if the head slot has been released by popTail.
   typ := atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.typ)
   if typ != nil {
      // Another goroutine is still cleaning up the tail, so
      // the queue is actually still full.
      return false

   // The head slot is free, so we own it.
   if val == nil {
      val = dequeueNil(nil)
   *(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(slot)) = val

   // Increment head. This passes ownership of slot to popTail
   // and acts as a store barrier for writing the slot.
   atomic.AddUint64(&d.headTail, 1<<dequeueBits)
   return true


ptrs := atomic.LoadUint64(&d.headTail)
head, tail := d.unpack(ptrs)
if (tail+uint32(len(d.vals)))&(1<<dequeueBits-1) == head {
   // Queue is full.
   return false


func (d *poolDequeue) unpack(ptrs uint64) (head, tail uint32) {
   const mask = 1<<dequeueBits - 1
   head = uint32((ptrs >> dequeueBits) & mask)
   tail = uint32(ptrs & mask)

看下面的代码,从注释我们可以得知,这里是做一个并发的检查,typ不!=nil说明其他协程在做cleaning up,这个队列也是满了的

// Check if the head slot has been released by popTail.
typ := atomic.LoadPointer(&slot.typ)
if typ != nil {
   // Another goroutine is still cleaning up the tail, so
   // the queue is actually still full.
   return false
// The head slot is free, so we own it.
if val == nil {
   val = dequeueNil(nil) //空占位符
*(*interface{})(unsafe.Pointer(slot)) = val //给slot的地址赋上当前val

// Increment head. This passes ownership of slot to popTail
// and acts as a store barrier for writing the slot.
atomic.AddUint64(&d.headTail, 1<<dequeueBits) //把头尾打包在一起
return true


if race.Enabled {


Pin拿poolLocal-> 是否已经初始化->通过pid寻址找->找不到新创建一块



// Get selects an arbitrary item from the Pool, removes it from the
// Pool, and returns it to the caller.
// Get may choose to ignore the pool and treat it as empty.
// Callers should not assume any relation between values passed to Put and
// the values returned by Get.
// If Get would otherwise return nil and p.New is non-nil, Get returns
// the result of calling p.New.
func (p *Pool) Get() interface{} {
   if race.Enabled {
   l, pid :=
   x := l.private
   l.private = nil
   if x == nil {
      // Try to pop the head of the local shard. We prefer
      // the head over the tail for temporal locality of
      // reuse.
      x, _ = l.shared.popHead()
      if x == nil {
         x = p.getSlow(pid)
   if race.Enabled {
      if x != nil {
   if x == nil && p.New != nil {
      x = p.New()
   return x


if race.Enabled {


l, pid :=
x := l.private
l.private = nil



if x == nil {
   // Try to pop the head of the local shard. We prefer
   // the head over the tail for temporal locality of
   // reuse.
   x, _ = l.shared.popHead()
   if x == nil {
      x = p.getSlow(pid)


func (p *Pool) getSlow(pid int) interface{} {
   // See the comment in pin regarding ordering of the loads.
   size := runtime_LoadAcquintptr(&p.localSize) // load-acquire
   locals := p.local                            // load-consume
   // Try to steal one element from other procs.
   for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
      l := indexLocal(locals, (pid+i+1)%int(size))
      if x, _ := l.shared.popTail(); x != nil {
         return x

   // Try the victim cache. We do this after attempting to steal
   // from all primary caches because we want objects in the
   // victim cache to age out if at all possible.
   size = atomic.LoadUintptr(&p.victimSize)
   if uintptr(pid) >= size {
      return nil
   locals = p.victim
   l := indexLocal(locals, pid)
   if x := l.private; x != nil {
      l.private = nil
      return x
   for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
      l := indexLocal(locals, (pid+i)%int(size))
      if x, _ := l.shared.popTail(); x != nil {
         return x

   // Mark the victim cache as empty for future gets don't bother
   // with it.
   atomic.StoreUintptr(&p.victimSize, 0)

   return nil

看第一行代码,注释说是去其他p去做一个任务窃取,我个人理解就是扫以p.locals为基址,然后以扫后续size大小的内存,size大小是在 pinSlow()里根据p的数量决定的,所以p只要不变多,就肯定能扫到

// See the comment in pin regarding ordering of the loads.
size := runtime_LoadAcquintptr(&p.localSize) // load-acquire
locals := p.local                            // load-consume
// Try to steal one element from other procs.
for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
   l := indexLocal(locals, (pid+i+1)%int(size))
   if x, _ := l.shared.popTail(); x != nil {
      return x


// Try the victim cache. We do this after attempting to steal
// from all primary caches because we want objects in the
// victim cache to age out if at all possible.
size = atomic.LoadUintptr(&p.victimSize)
if uintptr(pid) >= size {
   return nil
locals = p.victim
l := indexLocal(locals, pid)
if x := l.private; x != nil {
   l.private = nil
   return x
for i := 0; i < int(size); i++ {
   l := indexLocal(locals, (pid+i)%int(size))
   if x, _ := l.shared.popTail(); x != nil {
      return x

// Mark the victim cache as empty for future gets don't bother
// with it.
atomic.StoreUintptr(&p.victimSize, 0)

return nil



if race.Enabled {
   if x != nil {


// poolRaceAddr returns an address to use as the synchronization point
// for race detector logic. We don't use the actual pointer stored in x
// directly, for fear of conflicting with other synchronization on that address.
// Instead, we hash the pointer to get an index into poolRaceHash.
// See discussion on
func poolRaceAddr(x interface{}) unsafe.Pointer {
   ptr := uintptr((*[2]unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&x))[1])
   h := uint32((uint64(uint32(ptr)) * 0x85ebca6b) >> 16)
   return unsafe.Pointer(&poolRaceHash[h%uint32(len(poolRaceHash))])

然后还没有就New一个,如果New也没有,就是上面x := l.private,也就是一块空的interface{},结束。

if x == nil && p.New != nil {
   x = p.New()
return x




如果其他p也偷不到,就去victim找,也是上面同样流程,先找private ,再找shared




func init() {


func poolCleanup() {
   // This function is called with the world stopped, at the beginning of a garbage collection.
   // It must not allocate and probably should not call any runtime functions.

   // Because the world is stopped, no pool user can be in a
   // pinned section (in effect, this has all Ps pinned).

   // Drop victim caches from all pools.
   for _, p := range oldPools {
      p.victim = nil
      p.victimSize = 0

   // Move primary cache to victim cache.
   for _, p := range allPools {
      p.victim = p.local
      p.victimSize = p.localSize
      p.local = nil
      p.localSize = 0

   // The pools with non-empty primary caches now have non-empty
   // victim caches and no pools have primary caches.
   oldPools, allPools = allPools, nil

